Friday, 19 July 2013

Representation - Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (TGIF)

Representation - Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (TGIF)

Representation - Katy Perry - Last Friday Night

I have had to use a link to my presentation, because I accidentally made it on a software which does not embed! Sorry!

Goodwins Theories

The Killers - Mr Brightside

Mr Brightside, by The Killers is a great example of a music video which uses the seventh finding in Goodwin's theories; close ups of the artist, demanded by the record label. Throughout the whole song, something will occur in the video, and every few seconds, a close up or possibly a mid shot will be used on the artists, mostly the singer.

Music Video Analysis

Another Brick In The Wall - The Wall - Pink Floyd

I have chosen to do an analysis on Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick In The Wall' from their album 'The Wall' made in November 1979. The entire album is a story, modeled around band member Roger Waters. It unveils the story of how losing his father in the war affected him personally, and also how he created a hypothetical 'wall' between himself and particular people in order to block them out from his life.

One of the first scenes show the image of a child in a dark tunnel, walking towards the light, using a long shot. This image is used almost as a prequel effect, as the narrative is actually more fitting to this scene, later on in the video. It could also be interpreted as he is trying to distance himself from the darker things in life, and trying to get closer to what he see's, as the good things - represented by the light. This is a possibility, because as mentioned in the previous paragraph, this video is based on his real life; and we know he attempts to distance himself from people in real life.
Low angle shots are used every time during a two shot between the child and his teacher. This is used to represent the power the teachers had over the student, and also how much students feared/hated their teachers back in this time. Point of view shots are also used in the same manner, as the child is sitting down, making the teacher appear much bigger. This method is used because it makes one character seem bigger, and therefore more powerful, than the other.
Despite the previous scene using the teacher as the authoritative character, the scene is later cut to one of himself and his wife at home. Closeups are used on each of the characters, and it is quite clear that the teacher is no longer the authoritative one. He uses facial expressions which make him look scared and controlled, whereas the wife looks angry, and to some extent, disgusted, when he doesn't eat something on his plate - which later on turns out to be irony, as he shouts "If you don't eat your meat, you cant have any pudding" and he knows full-well, that at home, he was the one who did not finish his dinner. 
A little later on in the video, we see a scene where all characters are walking in a line, very monotonously. The scene starts off showing a few characters doing so (all children) . A zoom out is then used revealing more and more characters, again all children. This may be used to exaggerate the old saying that "Children should be seen and not heard". This is thought as the children are all openly marching down an gangway, yet none of them are saying a single word. They are completely under control. A pan shot is then used to move from the children walking, to them being behind a brick wall. This is used in link to the name of the song, and the album name. After going behind the wall, another pan is used to move it after the wall, and all the children are seen to be sitting at a desk. This could be representation of Roger's real life, possibly saying that after experiencing 'The Wall' - It is some-what the tipping edge, to your already miserable life, as shown by the kids facial and bodily expressions. 
There is also a very interesting shot used towards the end of the video. It is a low angle shot of a brick wall, with a shadow upon it. This shadow is a hammer beating down at a specific rate. Although the theme of a beating hammer is used throughout the album, in this particular video, it could be used to represent the possibility that the kids could break free, if they were to make themselves heard, which later on is shown, as they begin to smash the whole place up, in some cases, using hammers!

The most outstanding piece of inter-cutting juxtaposition is used during this music video. We see several cuts from the teacher smacking students hard, to the teacher at home, being controlled heavily by his wife, without words even having to be said. This scene is also linking to the lyrics at the time - one of Goodwin's theories.
Throughout the entire beginning of the the video, the cuts are quite slow, and boring. Long takes are also used. This could be used to represent the fact that the character is bored, and hates it where he is. This assumption comes from the fact that time moves slowly, when you are bored. Later on, however, we see the complete opposite, when the place is being trashed. Lots of fast paced, short takes are used, most likely to represent the fact that now everyone is having fun, and this is what they enjoy.
Shot-reverse-shots are used frequently between the child and the teacher to show their differing facial expressions. The teacher seems as though he is enjoying himself, whereas the child looks very upset. It is also important to point out the fact that within these shot reverse shots, the teacher is always to the right of the shot, whereas the child is placed on the left. This shows importance, and could also be interpreted as a little hint of foreshadowing, that in the end (of this video, at least) the child will come out best.

The mise-en-scene used in this video is very strange, even for Pink Floyd, who are well known for there some-what 'adventurous' videos.  In the school, natural lighting is used. As an audience, we would expect it to be darker, because we know that the child focused on hates school. The natural lighting could be used to represent the fact that the teacher bullying him, is actually quite normal, possibly?
Throughout the whole video, kids are portrayed to be all the same, and also they should have no opinion on anything, and should go by in life, following the exact orders from adults. The mise-en-scene represents this brilliantly, in a couple of different ways. Firstly, the children all have to wear school uniform. Although we see this as quite normal, in the mind of a child, this is unfair! The uniform makes them all the same. The other method used to do this within costume, is they are given a mask, which is mostly all the same, except from some minor differences. This shows that absolutely everything that can represent opinions has now been taken away, even their facial expressions. It also keeps them to all be the same.
The two main locations also help to represent this. The first being a school. Within a school, it is well known (more so for the time when this film was made) that the children had no power, and the teachers were in charge. The second being a factory. This is a place of work, and takes away all of the kids childhood, and is a very 'adulty' place. It is also a place where everything is monotonous. This exaggerates the power issue kids face, as they all have to move in complete time, and cannot be different in any ways.
It should also be noted that no one wears any makeup. Although the cast is male dominated, it shows no personality, again linking to everyone having to be the same

Sound in a music video is very heavily linked to editing, because throughout a music video, the sound is the song!
One thing noticed is that a lot of the time (not all of the time) cuts are used in response to the beat of the music. This adds effect heavily, and the particular instrument, in some cases, could link with the narrative of the video.
Unlike most music videos, in this one, the lyrics stop. Speech from the teacher is used instead, while the music continues very lightly in the background. This could be used to represent the teachers power, yet again, because as soon as he speaks, everyone else speaking must stop, even if the singer is now an adult.
Diegetic sounds are used as well, which have been digitally enhanced. The first used is the train passing by, and the second is he bell. The bell may be enhanced because the sound of this could be the best thing ever for a child to hear, as it means school is finished. It rings so loud and true to the child, it must be shown to us, the audience, as to how important this sound actually is.

"Why Does Love Do This To Me?" - The Exponents

"Why Does Love Do This To Me?" - The Exponents 

The real video to "Why Does Love Do This To Me"

The Preliminary Task

Why Does Love Do This To Me - Prelim Task Originally, I had uploaded this, and the quality was poor. This is a better quality version ...