Friday, 8 November 2013

Past Student Website

Website - Past Student Examples

Home page
This is the home page to a student example that I found from last year. 
This website includes all the vital conventions that is needed from a band's website. We can see that it has the band's name prominently displayed with the recurring font that this person has used throughout their work. It also uses a image which we see in the video a lot. The director of the video has been very clever, as this image is highly relateable to this video, however, it is the formation of the lads that is familiar, because the particular image is not actually used - Just the formation occurs lots of times in the video. He has also incorporated the music video itself in the top right corner, to create an even greater awareness for the video. The maker of this has also included fictional tour dates into the page to add to the realism - this feature is highly used in band websites, to keep fans 'in the know'. One last thing that I think is good, is the use of the social networking logo's, right at the bottom of the page. This is more and more popular in websites and the creator of this has 'jumped on the bandwagon' well! And to top it off, the links actually send you to pages created by this guy, associated to the band. This is a class homepage in my opinion!
Video Pages

This page really caught my attention as well. This is a page where the bands new and existing videos can be viewed. What I really like about this is the fact that as well as incorporating his own music video, he has included videos that the real band have made (as far as I am aware) which is really cool. It keeps up the realism of the work, and makes it look very professional, and also keeps it looking linked to the real band. The format of the page has stayed very similar to that of the homepage, minus the image of the lads together, which I think is a good thing, because it does not over kill the image. Keeping the same format between pages makes it look more professional as well. If the colour schemes, or the fonts or anything changed much, the effect would be lost and the work would look somewhat childish.
The final page of the website I am going to talk about, is the gallery page. Its not so much the idea that I find interesting (a gallery page is somewhat mainstream) its the images themselves that I think are clever. They all show this reoccurring image of the guys in their lined formation with brick walls everywhere! I don't know what the brick walls are all about, yet I find them really cool and I think their use is highly effective, in this instance. I also like the fact that all the images have been slightly edited in different ways via colour manipulation. I think the way the pictures seem to be quite religiously similar shows that the student has been very careful and precise throughout the planning of this video, and his organisation skills have been exceptional! Something I did notice was that the order in which the guys are lined up does differ in some of the pictures. I don't know whether this is intentional, or a mistake - although I thought if the formation would have stayed exact, it would have looked even better. This is the ONLY criticism I have, and to be honest, I don't think it even matters at all!

Overall, I think this website is totally awesome, and it really sets the bar at a massively high standard. It really gives me something to aim for. The constant links between the website and the video is very clever, and done to the tee every time, which adds to the professionalism of this guys work. With this website in mind, I think it is highly important that (like this one) I keep all of the format the same, and link my website heavily to the video to try and gain the same effect that this one has. I think the reoccurring features are what makes this piece of work as good as it is. 

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