Friday, 13 September 2013

Jonathon Glazer

Director Study - Jonathon Glazer

  • English filmaker, born in March 1965 in London
  • He is a director and creator of music videos, adverts and feature films
  • Glazer studied theatre design at Nottingham University, where he began directing theatre and making television commercials. He has completed commercials that went on to be award winning for the BBC, which began really getting his name 'out there'
  • He began directing several popular advertisement campaigns, including an advert for Guinness and Stella Artois - This was just after he wrote three of his own short films; "Mad", "Pool" and "Commission"
  • Since the 1990's he has directed several music videos, and was named MTV's director of the year in 1997
  • He directed a full film in 2000 called "Sexy Beast" with quite a high profile cast
  • Glazers approach to music videos is more of an intellectual side. His music videos are more often than not based around sad songs - and his music videos all seem to have a hidden meaning that you have to try and work out. His music videos are renowned for being the most confusing things you'll ever watch! Some people argue that you have to actually be in the situation to understand the meaning behind them, as they are so complex. 
  • Street Spirit is a particularly famous piece that Glazer directed. It's a song by radiohead; who are known for making 'Depressing' songs.
  • Glazer uses a lot of slow motion in his work, Street Spirt shows that as well. 
  • Below is an example of his work, that shows all of the above in action ... 

  • The music videos Glazer has worked on, are listed below: 
  • Karmacoma" by Massive Attack
  • "The Universal" by Blur 
  • "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" by Radiohead 
  • "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai 
  • "Cosmic Girl" (version 2) by Jamiroquai 
  • "Into My Arms" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 
  • "Karma Police" by Radiohead 
  • "Rabbit in Your Headlights" by UNKLE ft. Thom Yorke 
  • "A Song for the Lovers" by Richard Ashcroft 
  • "Live with Me" by Massive Attack 
  • "Treat Me Like Your Mother" by The Dead Weather

  • Virtual insanity and Street Spirit are particularly famous pieces of work he directed

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